Limiting Story or the Source of Your Superpower?

The answer is both!

As you probably know I have struggled for many years with my dad’s death and the verbal abuse that I grew up in. I suffered for years with internalized grief, deep fears of abandonment, and a very diminished sense of self-worth, among other things.  I learned from childhood how to be an enabler and a people pleaser to protect myself.  Naturally empathic, I became the emotional processor in my family, trying to take responsibility for everyone's emotions in order to create peace and harmony, only to discover it was in vain. 

I enacted these patterns for many years until I decided that I wanted to be more fully myself.

Pain is a great teacher.

However, this pain and suffering have led me to learn, heal, and grow and now share the wisdom of this process and to help others with their painful trauma and patterns.

On the “limiting story” side, we feel our childhood trauma, programming, patterns, unconscious beliefs, and habitual behaviors.  Oftentimes our limiting story is causing us pain and suffering as we repeat and recapitulate hurtful traumas or programs from our past.

Feeling our Superpower Selves is Exhilarating!

On the other side of the “limiting story” is the “Source of Our Superpower.”  In this superpower place, we feel our liberation, our inner gold, and the gifts we give the world as a direct reflection of our so-called “karma”.  Tapping into our superpower selves brings us tremendous joy, meaning, juiciness, passion, and fulfillment. 

The key is transmutation.

Our limiting stories and the source of our superpowers are two sides of the same coin.  We have the opportunity and the tools to take the pain and suffering and transmute it into our unique, superpower gifts. 

This transformative and alchemical process is what "Lunar Alchemy" is about.

"Lunar Alchemy" can help you transform your story of pain and suffering into your superpower, your true purpose, and your unique gifts.

I have studied the secrets of "alchemy" for 25 years. I am offering these sacred teachings of turning your inner lead into inner gold.

I offer the wisdom of Lunar Alchemy in several ways:

Full Moon this week on Sunday!
This is the first week of Spring and the Moon is going to be Full on Sunday, March 28 at 11:48 am Arizona and Pacific time. In terms of harmonizing with this specific timing, this is an ideal time for reflecting on and re-evaluating your 2021 goals. You can align with the Aries Spring energy by taking action right now on your goals and dreams. And for this Full Moon, it's a perfect time to reflect on where you are at and where you want to go. 
Warmest Spring Blessings and Happy Full Moon!
Email me at to receive your free "clarity tool" to help you redefine your 2021 "Clarity".  This is a quick and structured worksheet.